Log-in for all the information you need about your pool and its maintenance program. We keep all of the reports for you to see, photos of your pool, what we've done, manage your monthly payments and so much more.
The Clean Bottom Pools service report includes the technician’s arrival and departure times and a photo of your pool, spa or water feature taken by the tech after the work has been completed, so you know you truly have a picture-perfect pool every time! This emailed report also includes what actions the tech took that day to clean and balance the water. It shows chemical and PH levels and items completed like backwashing the filter and vacuuming the pool.
These reports are emailed to you after each and every visit from your CBP certified tech. In addition to these emails, is the customer centerwhere you can access all of the reports, in one location, to review at your convenience.
You can also log in to your account at any time and view your reports, manage your pool services, update your billing and more.